The Galactic Center (Hill)
This is my best one yet. Composite image of tracked sky over static foreground. I found a nice little spot out on Center Hill Lake, and it even has 5G! This isn't the darkest sky you can find, but I do like the gentle transition into the milky way from the glow of Smithville off in in the distance.
Sky: 300s single exposure, f/1.8, ISO 100, Nikon Z8, Nikon 20mm 1.8 S
Foreground: 180s single exposure, f/1.8, ISO 500, Nikon Z8, Nikon 20mm 1.8 S
The Aurora Borealis, at this time of year, in this part of the country?!?
Like any self respecting photographer, I've been telling myself for a few years now that I really need to head to Alaska or Iceland to get the Northern Lights from my own camera. And I've not given up on that dream. But when I see a tweet (Xeet?) come in saying "Go Outside. Now." from our favorite meteorologists at @NashSevereWx knowing that we were in the midst of a solar storm, I figured this just might be my opportunity to cross something off my bucket list early. Maybe next year, Iceland.
8 sec single exposure, f/1.8, ISO 500, Nikon Z8, Nikon 20mm 1.8 S
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